Report summary
Good news!
There is no adverse data recorded against the number plate you’ve provided. However, to ensure you’re fully protected we still need to check a few more details relating to the VIN/Chassis number and V5C/Logbook. Please provide the rest of the vehicle details by 16/10/2018 and before purchasing this vehicle.
Thank you for using our service
- Date: 16/09/2018
- Ref: WH19364878
- Paid with: STRIPE
Basic Check | 2.95 |
Total | £ 2.95 |
Net | 2.46 |
Vat | 0.49 |
The information we hold
Number of previous owners/keepers
The previous keepers should match the V5C document, and the count does not include the current keeper, or any dealers. The next owner of this vehicle will be owner 2
CO2 ratings
The CO2 bandings are intended as a guide to the emission of this vehicle and equate to the previous or current Vehicle Excise Duty bandings. CO2 bandings only apply to cars first registered on or after 1st March 2001. If this vehicle is registered prior to this date, the Vehicle Excise Duty payable will depend on the car's engine size. New banding ranges will apply for Vehicles registered on or after 1st April 2017 and after their first tax payment, a fixed Vehicle Excise Duty is charged.
Provides confirmation of the vehicle's physical details as first recorded by the manufacturer. Instant Car Check confirms the make, model, door plan, fuel, engine size/number and transmission. If any of these do not match either the vehicle or the V5 (logbook), let us know so that we can investigate. For further information see FAQ.
Does the vehicle description below match the details on the V5 (logbook) and appearance of the vehicle? If not, you should query the discrepancy with the seller and/or the DVLA. You can contact the DVLA directly on 0300 790 6802. Please note that the DVLA will only change its data based on instructions from the registered keeper.
Any potential issues or queries with the details you have provided are highlighted with a red *
Make | Suzuki |
Model | GSX R750 |
Engine size cc | 1749 |
Engine number | R737-125738 |
Fuel | Petrol |
Body plan | Motorcycle |
Colour | WHITE/BLUE |
Number of colour changes | 0 |
Last colour change date | N/A |
Gearbox | N/A |
Year of manufacture | 2002 |
Current owner/keeper acquired on | 14/06/2002 |
Date of first registration in the UK | 14/06/2002 |
Number of previous owners/keepers | 0 - None before current |
CO2 emissions | Not known for this licence plate |
CO2 ratings | Not known for this licence plate |
The DVLA has not recorded this license plate as exported | |
The DVLA has not recorded this license plate as scrapped |
Vehicle Tax
Tax Status | SORN in place |
Instant Car Check allows you to enter a vehicle's VIN (chassis number) as well as its license plate number. Provide both and we'll tell you whether they correspond with DVLA and DVA (N. Ireland) records. If they don't match you may be looking at a vehicle that has been stolen. Always check that all the vehicles VIN's match each other and its documentation. For further information see FAQ.
We've run a check using the license plate provided. However we strongly recommend you update the check with the VIN (chassis number) in order to protect yourself and to make sure you get all the details.
The VIN (chassis number) has not been provided
VIN: | Not provided |
V5 issue date: | Not provided |
V5 serial number: | Not provided |
Police stolen
Instant Car Check provides information from the Police National Computer on vehicles that are currently recorded as stolen. These vehicles remain the property of the individual or organisation from whom they were taken. Never buy a vehicle that is flagged on this register, because you stand to lose it, together with the money you paid for it. For further information see FAQ.
Insurance theft
Each year 150,000 vehicle thefts are recorded by insurers. Instant Car Check will tell you if the vehicle you are looking to buy has an outstanding insurance interest recorded against it. Even if you buy this vehicle in good faith you may not be able to legally own it. For further information see FAQ.
Outstanding finance
Nearly two thirds of new vehicles sold every year are bought using some form of finance agreement . Some of these agreements will grant the finance company an 'interest' (i.e. ownership) in the vehicle which you will need to ensure has been paid off by the previous keeper before you buy it. With over 7 million current finance agreements registered with HPI, you need to make sure that the vehicle you are buying is not subject to one of them. If it is, you can use the details provided to contact the lender and determine the current status of the loan and any claim on ownership the finance company may have. For further information see FAQ.
Security watch
This register typically records vehicles at high risk of fraud or theft (e.g. hire cars, demonstrator vehicles and garage forecourt stock). The Security Watch register is primarily used by the Police, finance companies and the motor trade, to ensure that these vehicles can be traced if someone steals them or attempts to sell them fraudulently (for example - perhaps without first settling an outstanding agreement). The registering party will be alerted that an Instant Car Check has been made and they should contact you within the next working day, please contact us if this is not the case. You should not purchase a vehicle that is recorded on this register, until you receive confirmation that it is all clear from either the registering party or us.
Plate transfer
This register will let you know if a vehicle has had a legitimate license plate change since April 1990. People change plates to personalise their vehicles, but they can also be changed to hide a vehicle's history. Instant Car Check includes an enquiry check against all previous plates, to identify alerts that may still be associated with the vehicle you are buying. For further information see FAQ.
Vehicle ownership
There are many circumstances where the 'owner' of a vehicle is not the 'keeper' as recorded on the DVLA V5C document (logbook). These circumstances are described in more detail in the notes accompanying each alert register.
Police stolen | Licence plate not currently recorded by the police as stolen |
Insurance theft | Licence plate not recorded by an insurer as a theft |
Security watch | Licence plate not currently recorded as 'at risk' on the security watch register |
Plate transfer | No previous plates recorded |
Condition alert
This register warns that a vehicle has been subject to an insurance total loss claim, or 'written-off', because of damage or because it has been stolen and not recovered. For vehicles written-off since January 1997, the HPI Check provides an insurer damage classification, A to D, ranging from those vehicles which should never go back on the road, to those which can be be safely repaired. Two new classifications were added in October, 2017, N and S which should over time replace the C and D classifications. Category N and S better describe the type of damage to the vehicle rather than the cost of repair.
Category A - Scrap only, parts are not salvageable, vehicle not permitted on the road and should be crushed.
Category B - Extensive damage, beyond repair. Parts are salvageable, vehicle not permitted on the road and should be scrapped.
Category C - Vehicle is damaged but repairable, cost of repair exceeds the pre-accident value of the vehicle.
Category D - Vehicle is damaged but repairable.
Category S - Structurally damaged but repairable, its important that these vehicles are repaired professionally.
Category N - Repairable non-structural damage.
In the case of Category C, between April 2003 and October 2015, the government mandated a Vehicle Identity Check (VIC) before the vehicle could return to the road. This was to prevent vehicle cloning. Note that a VIC did not check the safety or quality of any repair. Only an MOT is currently required before a vehicle is permitted on the road.
In addition to the Condition Alert, you will be advised if the vehicle has been registered with DVLA as having been scrapped.
If you are considering purchasing a vehicle on the register, we strongly advise that you have it independently inspected by a reputable company for structural and mechanical integrity prior to purchase. For further information see FAQ.
Condition inspected
This register was introduced in 1990 and gives details of 'written off' vehicles that have since passed an independent structural examination. The inspection will have been carried out in accordance with a specification agreed with the Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre (Thatcham). The seller may be able to provide an inspection report from one of the approved inspection companies. There may be a separate fee for this report. Instant Car Check will identify which company carried out the inspection and the reference number of the report.
Vehicle condition
Condition alert | Licence plate not recorded by insurers as a 'total loss' (write-off) |
Condition inspected | Licence plate not recorded as a repaired insurance 'total loss' |
Stolen V5C registration documents (logbooks) are in circulation. Any vehicle with a stolen V5C is likely to be stolen. Provide the V5C registration document serial number and issue date so the Instant Car Check team can confirm if it's been recorded as stolen.
For further information view example
V5C (Logbook) issue date | No V5C (logbook) issue date has been provided |
V5C (Logbook) serial number | No V5C (logbook) serial number has been provided |
Vehicle manufacturer specification
No vehicle specifications available for this vehicle.
DVLA Records
This information is sourced from the DVLA Records and will provide technical and environmental details for this vehicle.
Vehicle description
Fuel Economy - Used Vehicles
No fuel economy information available for this vehicle.